Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter in Italy

I never thought I'd say I'd be in Italy for Easter. I also never thought I'd say I miss home as much as I do. But both came true today. This morning we went to the Duomo for the Easter parade and the fireworks (yes, in the morning). It was so amazing and the Duomo is beautiful. Supposedly the guys are climbing it tomorrow...600 steps. I'm not sure if I can deal with that.

But anyways, it was nice to talk to my family today, whilst they were enjoying Easter dinner at my grandparent's house. Skype was acting horribly, so the reception was bad, but we've invented a new language called Skypee which is where the sound cuts out mid-word and sounds "a bit li-- this."

It's so cool to be in a sweet and exciting city but I still wish I could be at home in Marion, at my Gramma and Grampa's house with the rest of the family, eating deviled eggs. Being abroad has really made appreciate my family and being home.

But none-the-less, I'm quite excited to be in Florence. We are going to Venice soon, and I can't wait to go to Chique Terra. I hear it is beautiful.

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